Dušan Merklin - Mick, Glamurozni Underground
Otvoritev fotografske razstave v sklopu Meseca fotografije,
Fotonični trenutki 2010 v četrtek 14.10.2010 0b 20h
Galerija Tukadmunga,Soteska 8
Na ogled vsak delovnik od 12h do 14h od 15.10 do 21.10.
Brez pretirane želje po asimiliranju novih fenomenov v sodobni fotografiji ostaja Dušan Merklin Mick še naprej orientiran izključno na lastno bivanjsko izkušnjo planetarnega potohodca individualista. Njegove podobe skorajda na klasičen način artikulirajo magično poetiko, prežeto z duhovnostjo modernega sufizma, zasidranega v avtorjevem življenju kot takega.
Ne gre mu za iskanje popolnoma novih, enkratnih oblik, ki bi s svojo pojavnostjo zadostovale same sebi, temveč za posebno vrsto fine komunikacije na ravni univerzalnosti, strukturirane v obliko umetniškega sporočila. Skopo odmerjena bizarnost, združena z elementi erotizma v konglomeratu globalno docela izčiščenih kompozicij deluje mogoče včasih rahlo provokativno, a le gledalcu nevajenemu sinteze diametralno nasprotnih vizualnih pristopov. Kljub prepoznavnim pogledom, ki ohranjajo temeljne ( bodisi vsebinske ali formalne ) opredelitvene sestavime Merklinove izraznosti, umetnik vseskozi ohranja pripovedno nedorečnost, z njo vred pa ustvarja suspenz. Subtilna fotografska govorica nam posreduje angažirano iluzijo, pa vendar nam njenega bistva ne zakriva: nosi ga takorekoč na dlani.
Dušan Merklin – Mick is not interested in applying new trends in contemporary photography to his work. Instead, he remains true to his own experience; the experience of an individualistic planetary wanderer. His images carry an almost classical quality; their magical poetry breathes with the spirituality of modern-day Sufism, anchored by the author’s life. Rather than looking for entirely new, unique and self-sufficient artistic forms of expression, Merklin seeks a special yet universal form of communication. Sometimes, his artistic messages combine subtly bizarre elements with erotic ones and this refined conglomerate can be slightly provocative – but only for those viewers who are unaccustomed to art that combines diametrically opposite visual approaches. Merklin’s photography relies on forms and contents that have become characteristic of his creative work yet he has managed to keep a narrative ambguity that allows suspense. His subtle photographic language is engaged, it represents an illusion that does not attempt to hide it’s essence from us; on the contrary, it is there for us to grasp.
Curators : Jasmina Klančar and Joao Paulo Nasri
Producent : Studio Osem, www.sites.google.com/site/drvstudio8/
Coproducent : Photon Gallery, Month of Photography -
Photonic Moments 2010, www.photonicmoments.net
Text : Boštjan Soklič